Frosty Grass is Beautiful – But KEEP OFF!
How Frost Forms
As soon as the sun goes down in the afternoon, water vapor in the atmosphere will begin to condense into liquid water on outdoor surfaces. At that point, you can expect that it’ll be at or past what is known as the dew point. If it’s below 32 degrees outside, dew will turn into frost. And it can be very pretty!
Is Frost Bad for Your Lawn?
No, the freezing temperatures it brings are not bad for your lawn. If you walk or drive around frost-covered turf, that’s when the damage can occur, you’ll destroy the frozen grass blades. Once the frost has melted, your lawn is once again movable and you can do what you want on it.
Frosty Grass Summary
So basically frost is just frozen water resting on grass blades. It’s beautiful and it might be tempting to walk on but try and keep of a frosty lawn until it’s thawed so you don’t break the frozen grass blades.
Dreamlawns provides superior lawn care service to Virginia Beach & Chesapeake VA residents.