
How to Prepare Your Lawn for Summer

As we transition from a productive spring, June has ushered in hot summer weather and drier conditions. Tall Fescue lawns, while drought-tolerant, can struggle without regular rainfall and in higher humidity. To maintain a healthy lawn, try to water it 2-3 times a week, providing 1.5 to 2 inches of water. Additionally, the increased humidity can lead to the development of lawn diseases, but the following steps can help mitigate these issues:

  1. Raise Your Mower to the Tallest Setting: Taller turf means deeper roots, which enhances your lawn’s ability to survive the summer heat.
  2. Water Early in the Morning: Avoid watering in the afternoon or evening to reduce the risk of disease and evaporation.
  3. Limb Up Trees and Low Hanging Branches: Ensuring your lawn gets as much sunlight as possible helps it stay healthy.

For comprehensive lawn care, consider signing up for one of our lawn care programs. Our programs include summer fungicide treatments to prevent turf decline, additional weed control, grub control, soil testing, and lime applications. Fungicides work best as a preventative measure, so it’s beneficial to upgrade now before any damage occurs.

Looking ahead, fall aeration and seeding will begin in late August. Annual aeration and seeding are crucial for a thriving lawn the following year. Sign up for this service  as soon as possible, as spaces are limited and fill up quickly.

Thank you for choosing Dreamlawns to care for your property. If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Lawn Care Services In The Virginia Beach Area

Dreamlawns provides superior lawn care service to Virginia Beach & Chesapeake VA residents.