
Reasons NOT To Walk On Frozen Grass

Why You Should Avoid Walking on Frozen Grass

When a lawn is frosted, the blades of grass are literally frozen. Activity on the lawn such as walking on it or mowing it while it’s frozen can break the grass blades. Not only that, but at a cellular level when a heavy object presses on the frozen blades the expanded water molecules slice through the grass causing significant damage.

Damage can be seen when the blades of grass produce a white or beige hue from being crushed along the icy frost. The lawn should recover eventually but it might not fully bounce back until the Spring.

Minimizing the Effects of Frost

You can prevent some light frost effects by watering the lawn in the evening. Deep watering allows the moisture to evaporate slowly overnight. This evaporation then creates friction and heat around the grass blades. As the temperatures drop overnight below freezing the grass will still have a slightly higher temperature due to the evaporative heat processes. Which in turn protects the grass from reaching the water molecule expansion that causes damage.

If you have questions about your lawn or how to get on our fertilizing schedule, give Dreamlawns a call, you’ll hear a happy friendly local team member ready to assist you.

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Lawn Care Services In The Virginia Beach Area

Dreamlawns provides superior lawn care service to Virginia Beach & Chesapeake VA residents.