Prime Time for Weed Control in Virginia Beach

Fall is upon us (although with these amazing beautiful days in Hampton Roads we wouldn’t know it) and did you know that Autumn is the best season for weed control? Tired of looking at all the weeds in your lawn? Don’t wait until Spring to deal with them now is the best time for Virginia Beach lawns. As a result of weed control in the Fall you’ll see a lusher, healthier lawn come Spring time.

Dreamlawns weed control program can knock out perennials and winter annuals in Virginia Beach and other Hampton Roads cities. Perennials like dandelion, knotweed and clover are storing up food for the winter. When we treat perennials with our Fall weed control application it gets to the primary root, killing the weed in the process.

Unless your lawn has been recently seeded our Fall services include weed control. Winter annuals like common chickweed, henbit and purple deadnettle are plants that germinate in the Fall. They survive the winter and then blossom in the Spring. Although they die off in a year before they do they flower, drop seeds and then it’s a perpetual weed problem unless it’s addressed.

Other Critical Fall Lawn Treatments for Virginia Beach Lawns

Treatments like core aeration, seeding your lawn and fertilizing are very important during the fall season if you want lush beautiful grass come Spring.

Do you want professional help tackling these lawn care treatments? Call on the locals go to lawn care company Dreamlawns. We offer free consultations too! 757-631-9773

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