Know Your Soil’s PH & When to Use Lime

Lime is a natural way for you to make your lawn healthier and stronger. It’s an organic material that decomposes easily and releases calcium and other minerals, which help make the soil more fertile.

The way that lime works is by making the soil less acidic. When the pH of the soil drops below 6.5, nutrients such as phosphorus and potassium can’t be absorbed by plants properly. That’s why it’s important to use lime every year before spring planting in order to get your lawn healthy and strong for summer.

Lime has been a long-time lawn care treatment for a variety of reasons. It can be used to reduce soil acidity, remove soil alkalinity, and increase the available calcium in the soil.

In addition to improving the pH level of your soil, lime also helps create an environment that is more conducive to lawn health. The calcium that lime provides can help maintain a healthy balance in the soil which is key in preventing weeds from growing and fertilizers from being wasted.

Call Dreamlawns Hampton Roads and the locals choice in lawn care and treatment.

Get Your Soil Tested for PH!

Dreamlawns soil test will not only identify the soil’s pH and nutrient levels, but it will also provide a recommendation for how much lime (or not) should be applied to benefit the lawn. The lime requirement is not only related to the pH of the soil, but also to its buffer capacity or cation exchange capacity. The amount of clay and organic matter in soil will determine how well it can withstand acidity. This capability increases with the amounts of clay and organic matter. Soil with a lower buffer capacity requires more lime to increase pH levels. Dreamlawns offers lime applications for our Lawn Care customers. If you would like to sign up or need more information – call our office today!

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