Much of the United States is expecting higher than average mosquito numbers this year.
This winter, as occasional cold snaps were outnumbered by weirdly balmy days, the Pop Sci offices had a running theory that come spring time we might be contending with buggy madness—enough mosquitoes to keep everyone firmly indoors, or at least coated in DEET.
“Whoever bet on bugs made the right choice this year,” said Jim Fredericks, the Chief Entomologist & Vice President of Technical and Regulatory Affairs at the National Pest Management Association. “It probably will be a pretty buggy spring and summer.”

The National Pest Management Association recently released its “bug barometer”, and the predictions are lousy. This spring and summer, most of the continental United States (apart from the Pacific Northwest) will experience an uptick in insect numbers. In most regions, mosquitoes and ticks will emerge earlier and in greater numbers than usual. The southwest doesn’t have to deal with earlier mosquitoes, according to the barometer, but it gets to share in the nation’s bitter, buggy bounty: once the insects do emerge, they’ll be more prolific than usual.

National Pest Management Association

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